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Olive Trees – How to Grow Olive Trees

olive tree branch

photo by Maria Orlova from Pexels

Last updated on 4th January 2023

Olive trees are admired across the world for their beauty and are found especially in sunny regions such as the Mediterranean and North Africa. Olive trees are also known for their aesthetics and functional uses. In Malta, the olive trees (siġar taż-żebbuġ) are very popular across the country, especially in older gardens and homes. Given the right conditions and location, growing and caring for an olive tree is an interesting and achievable challenge.

In the following article, we will discuss how to grow & care for olive trees, along with questions such as:

  1. Where do olive trees grow best?
  2. Do olive trees need a lot of sun?
  3. How often should you water an olive tree?
  4. Can you shape an olive tree?
  5. Can an olive tree live for over 2,000 years?
  6. How long do olive trees live?
  7. What is the oldest olive tree in the world?
  8. Why are olive trees so old?
  9. How big is the oldest olive tree?
  10. Do olive trees produce fruit every year?
  11. Can I grow an olive tree indoors?
  12. How old is the oldest olive tree in Italy?
  13. How long have olive trees been on Earth?
  14. How long can olive trees live in pots?
  15. Which country in the world has the most olive trees?
Photo by Emre on Unsplash

Growing Olive Trees

The olive tree is usually associated with warm and sunny locations and indeed requires exposure to the sun for optimal growing conditions.

Areas of high heat and sunshine are ideal, and the olive tree is therefore grown well outside in gardens and fields throughout Mediterranean countries such as Malta, Spain, Italy and Greece.

Olive trees grow silver-looking leaves and often go well with many other plants in your garden. Whilst beautiful to look at visually, the olive tree is also grown for its fruit, the olive, which can be pressed for oil or else cured to be consumed during cooking.

How to plant olive trees

If your olive tree was grown in a greenhouse, make sure it spends some time outside in a sheltered place so it can adapt to the outside temperature. Keep it outside for a few hours a day for around two weeks, after which the olive tree is ready for you to plant outside in a permanent location.

Plant olive trees around 5 to 6 metres apart, to ensure that all trees can get enough air, oxygen and sunlight as they grow larger.

Water your new olive tree consistently in the first few weeks, until it establishes itself in its new location. Watering will also help roots become stronger and ensure the tree is more independent in the long run.


Olive trees need a sunny place, one that gets around 8 hours of sun daily. The soil needs to be ideally very fertile and well-draining. The last point is very important, as poor drainage can lead to severe or permanent damage to your olive tree.

Photo by Nadine Marfurt on Unsplash

Olive trees prefer a Mediterranean climate, with 97 % of cultivation concentrated in the Mediterranean basin. Therefore, if you live in a different environment, do your best to re-create dry, hot, sunny conditions. These conditions will help your olive tree grow stronger.

The olive harvest is affected by the level of sunshine, and with enough water, more sun will produce higher yields. Avoid locations where temperatures drop below zero degrees Celsius, in which case you need to protect the tree by wrapping it in a protective blanket, especially in the tree’s first years.


Intense watering is required in the first weeks after planting. However, you still need to water regularly and lightly over the first few years, as the tree will be dependent on you for water in very hot conditions.

In drought conditions, increase the level of watering. Eventually, as the trees’ roots grow deeper, they will need less water. Soil that is deeper and away from the surface tends to maintain water better.

Furthermore, soil situated on a rocky surface, sometimes metres below the surface, can support an olive tree’s water requirements for many years, without human intervention or rain. For this reason, once established, you don’t need to provide supplemental watering unless the climate is very dry with no rain at all.

In Malta, for example, it is not uncommon for the country to pass many hot months without any rain. This, along with the strong and direct sun, usually requires gardeners and farmers to provide additional water to their plants and trees.


The olive tree comes in two different categories. The first is self-pollinating, which means that you can cultivate just one tree and still have olives to harvest. Other olive tree varieties need another tree to pollinate them.

Self-pollinating olive trees include Koroneiki, Fantoio, Arbequina and Coratina. Olive trees that require pollinators include Sevillano, Manzallino and Mission.

Photo by Nazar Hrabovyi on Unsplash

In Malta, there are a larger number of cultivars, including the ‘Bidni’ cultivar, Il-Maltija – the Maltese Olive; Il-Bajda – the white olive, Il-Ħelwa ta’ Sqallija – the sweet Sicilian olive, and L-Imrajja ta’ Marsala – the Marsala olive.


Pruning the olive tree is very important for shape and aesthetics, but more importantly, it allows enough oxygen and sunlight around the tree. Improved airflow and new growth will help produce more flowers and fruit.

When it is time to shape the tree, a recommendation is to make a few, correct cuts instead of many small ones.

For this reason, you may want to consult a professional when heavy pruning or shaping the tree. If you go for it yourself, you can use a tree lopper and a pruning saw to make these cuts.

Pruning allows you to remove the tree’s central branches and let sunlight pass through the tree. Open pruning also improves the surface area of the tree that produces olives.

Pests or diseases

Olive trees are tough and generally do not suffer from many problems related to pests. If infested by scale, treat the tree with neem oil. The olive fruit fly is another issue, although traps and lures exist to combat this problem.


Unfortunately, many olive trees are sometimes forgotten, in the sense that their fruit is not harvested for consumption. When harvested, olives are usually picked, pressed into oil, bottled and then sold for consumption in Mediterranean dishes or as part of wider cuisine.

Photo by Vytas on Unsplash

The wild olive (Oleaster) and the cultivated olive (Sativa) have different varieties based on taste, size, and other characteristics.

In many Mediterranean countries, for example in Malta, September is olive picking and pressing month.

The traditional way of picking olives is by hand, a method essentially used for thousands of years by people living in the Mediterranean.

In autumn, the olives are ready for picking, harvested and pressed into oil. One way of doing this is to open a large net around the base of the tree, and then use rakes to drop the olives onto the net. A mature tree can easily produce hundreds of kilos of olives in one year.

Once the olives are in the net, the next stage is to sort out the olives from the leaves and the stems that are dropped to the net during raking. To retain freshness and the highest possible quality, olives are ideally pressed into olive oil the same day they are picked from the tree.

This timeliness will in turn keep the olive oil acidity low and the quality of the oil high.

In other Mediterranean countries, such as certain zones in Greece, the olives amass large amounts of oil in September and October and are picked around November time.

It is essential to finish the harvest before there are too many olives lost on the ground through the natural process, as olives that have fallen to the ground have higher acidity and lower oil quality. Earlier-picked olives are usually known to produce less oil but of a higher quality.


Olive trees prefer soil that has good drainage and is rocky. If potting the olive tree in a container, you might wish to include some small to medium-sized rocks at the bottom of the pot or container, underneath the soil.

It is also important to use a container that is larger than the root ball, to allow the olive tree plant to grow.

Photo by Andreas Weilguny on Unsplash

By having rocks at the bottom of the pot, you ensure that any excess water not required by the olive tree can drain out of the holes at the bottom of the container. Be careful not to block the draining holes with the rocks themselves, however.

In summary, olive trees can tolerate either acid or alkaline conditions, but good drainage is extremely important.


Olive trees need a warm climate, either the Mediterranean or similar, resulting in a long, hot summer and a cool, not frigid, winter.

A mature tree can survive temperatures that are below zero degrees Celsius for a short time, but longer periods of freezing weather can create permanent, often deadly damage to the tree.

Whilst some olive tree varieties can live outside of the typical Mediterranean zone, these tend not to produce large crop levels, making them not viable from an economic point of view.


Olive tree propagation can happen in a few different ways. Cuttings and seeds are probably the simplest ways of growing new trees, and both techniques can provide a ready-to-plant tree in around one year.

Olive trees that have been propagated through cuttings tend to develop more quickly. They will also grow similarly to the parent, original tree from where the cutting was taken.

The similarity will be based on size, growth patterns and the making of olives.


The olive was indigenous to Asia and stretched from Iran, Syria and Palestine to the rest of the Mediterranean around 6,000 years ago. Historians believe that the olive tree is one of the oldest grown trees worldwide, some stating it was cultivated before written languages were invented.

The Minoan kingdom grew olive trees on Crete around 3,000 BC, whilst the Phoenicians transported the olive tree to the Mediterranean parts of Southern Europe and North Africa. Signs of olives have also been discovered in Egypt from 2,000 years BC.

However, the two cultures that are most closely associated with olives and olive trees in the Mediterranean are the Roman and Greek cultures.

Photo by John Cameron on Unsplash


Olive trees are known to live for thousands of years, with the oldest known olive tree alive being around 4,000 and 5,000 years old, known as the Al-Badawi olive tree in Bethlehem. However, the production of olive oil might find its way back to 8,000 years ago.

When compared to the above, the olive trees on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem are said to be over 2,000 years old, and therefore considered relative newcomers.

Over thousands of years, people have created different varieties of the olive tree, to the extent, it is now difficult to determine which varieties come before others. Gene mapping techniques are nowadays being used to better map the olive family tree.

In the past hundreds of years, the olive tree has been moved across the world, from America and Japan to New Zealand and Australia.

Olive trees have also been present in Malta for thousands of years. Olive remains were discovered during excavations at Skorba Temples (4500–4100 BC), whilst the ‘Bidni’ olive trees in Bidnija are 2,000 years old. These olive trees are extraordinarily still producing olive fruit to this day, which can be used for food consumption or to produce olive oil.

How long do olive trees live?

Olive trees can live for hundreds of years and in some instances are thought to be over 1,000 years old. 

The exact lifespan of an olive tree relies on a variety of factors, including the tree’s genetic makeup, growing conditions, and the level of upkeep it receives. 

Some olive trees have been known to live for over 2,000 years. In general, olive trees that are well-cared for and grown in suitable conditions can live for hundreds of years.

Can olive trees live 2,000 years?

Olive trees can live for over 2,000 years.

Olive trees that are well-cared for and grown in proper conditions are more likely to live longer and reach an older age. 

Several olive trees are known to be over 2,000 years old, including the “Tree of Hippocrates” on the island of Kos and the “Tree of Vouves” on the island of Crete, which are both believed to be over 3,000 years old.

The lifespan of an olive tree can also be affected by factors such as disease, pests, and adverse weather conditions.

What is the oldest olive tree in the world?

Several olive trees are thought to be over 2,000 years old, including the “Tree of Hippocrates” on the island of Kos and the “Tree of Vouves” on the island of Crete, which are both believed to be over 3,000 years old.

The “Tree of Hippocrates” is a gnarled olive tree that is assumed to be the oldest in the world and is believed to be over 3,000 years old. 

It is located on the island of Kos in Greece and is believed to have been planted by the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, who is considered the father of modern medicine. 

The “Tree of Vouves” is another old olive tree that is found on the island of Crete and is also thought to be over 3,000 years old. It is considered one of the oldest olive trees in the world and is a protected landmark in Greece.

Why are olive trees so old?

There are several reasons why olive trees can live for such a long time. One reason is that olive trees have a slow growth rate, which means that they do not grow as quickly as other trees and are therefore less predisposed to deterioration from storms and other environmental factors. 

In addition, olive trees have a strong root system that allows them to anchor themselves securely in the ground and resist strong winds along with other environmental stresses. 

Olive trees are also resistant to many diseases and pests, which can contribute to their long lifespans. 

However, in recent years, many news reports globally have been discussing the pests and diseases that are damaging olive trees in Europe that have been around for many hundreds of years.

Whilst farmers are being told to burn the trees to protect the rest, most of them are reluctant to do this.

Not only are these trees an economic investment, but many of them have been passed from one family generation to the next. Until there is a small glimmer of hope that the olive tree will survive, then they will not burn the tree.

Finally, olive trees are well adapted to thriving in dry, Mediterranean climates. They do not require a lot of water and are less likely to be affected by drought. 

All of these factors contribute to the long lifespan of olive trees.

How big is the oldest olive tree?

It is difficult to determine the exact size of the oldest olive tree, as several olive trees are thought to be over 2,000 years old and it is not clear which one is the oldest.

The “Tree of Hippocrates” on the island of Kos and the “Tree of Vouves” on the island of Crete are both believed to be over 3,000 years old and are considered some of the oldest olive trees in the world. 

In general, olive trees can grow to be quite large and can reach heights of up to 30 feet or more. 

The size of an olive tree relies on a combination of factors, including its genetics, growing conditions, and the level of care it receives. 

Olive trees that are well-cared for and grown in suitable conditions are more likely to reach a larger size.

Do olive trees produce fruit every year?

Olive trees do not produce fruit every year. 

Olive trees have a cyclical pattern of fruit production, with heavy yields one year followed by lighter yields the next. 

This pattern is known as biennial bearing

The exact timing of fruit production can vary depending on the specific variety of olive trees, as well as the growing conditions and the level of maintenance the tree receives. Some olive trees may produce fruit every year, while others may only produce fruit every other year or even less frequently.

Normally, olive trees reach their full fruit-bearing potential after about 7 to 10 years, although this can vary depending on the variety and the growing conditions. 

Olive trees typically produce their heaviest yields when they are between the ages of 15 and 25, although they can continue to produce fruit for several years after that. 

To encourage consistent fruit production, olive trees should be well-cared for and grown in optimal conditions.

Can I grow an olive tree indoors?

It is possible to grow an olive tree indoors, although it can be challenging to provide the tree with the proper conditions it needs to thrive. 

Olive trees are native to the Mediterranean region and are accustomed to warm, dry conditions with plenty of sunlight. To grow an olive tree indoors, you will need to provide the tree with a sunny location and a soil mix that drains well. 

It is also necessary to provide the tree with enough water. Whilst Olive trees are resistant to dry climates, they are not desert trees.

To care for an indoor olive tree, you should water the tree regularly, but be careful not to over-water it. 

The soil should be kept evenly moist, but not soggy. Make sure the soil is well drained from excessive water.

Olive trees prefer a slightly acidic soil pH, so you may need to add some acidity to the soil if it is too alkaline. 

You should also fertilize the tree regularly to ensure that it obtains the nutrients it needs to flourish.

It is important to note that olive trees can grow quite large and may not be suitable for all indoor spaces. If you decide to grow an olive tree indoors, you may need to prune it regularly to keep it at a manageable size. 

You should also be prepared to provide the tree with extra care and attention, as growing an olive tree indoors can be more challenging than growing one outdoors.

How old is the oldest olive tree in Italy?

It is difficult to determine the exact age of the oldest olive tree in Italy, as several olive trees in the country are thought to be over 1,000 years old.

In general, Italy is home to several ancient olive trees that are revered for their age and cultural value. 

Olive trees have been grown in Italy for centuries and are an important part of the country’s history, culture and food traditions. Many of these trees are still producing olives today and are considered living symbols of Italy’s rich agricultural heritage.

How long have olive trees been on Earth?

Olive trees are native to the Mediterranean region and have been grown in this area for thousands of years. 

It is difficult to determine exactly how long olive trees have been on Earth, as their origins are lost in the mists of time. 

However, it is believed that olive trees have been cultivated for at least 6,000 years and possibly much longer. Olive trees are mentioned in ancient texts from civilizations such as the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians, and they have long been a significant part of the culture and cuisine of the Mediterranean region.

They have a strong cultural and historical significance in the Mediterranean region and are regarded as symbols of peace, prosperity, and longevity. Olive trees continue to be an important part of the culture and economy of the Mediterranean region today and are grown in many countries around the world.

How long can olive trees live in pots?

Olive trees can be grown in pots and can live for many years in this type of container. The exact lifespan of an olive tree grown in a pot will depend on a variety of factors, including the size of the pot, the quality of the soil, and the level of care the tree receives. 

Smaller pots tend to provide a limited lifespan for an olive tree, as the tree will eventually outgrow the pot and become root bound. To ensure that an olive tree grows well in a pot, it is important to choose a pot that is large enough to accommodate the tree’s root system and to provide the tree with the proper care it requires.

To care for an olive tree in a pot, you should select a pot that is large enough to accommodate the tree’s root system and has drainage holes to allow excess water to drain away. 

This is very important as an olive tree will not survive if its root system is sitting constantly in water.

The pot should be filled with a well-draining soil mix and the tree should be watered regularly, but not allowed to dry out completely. Olive trees prefer a slightly acidic soil pH, so you may need to add some acidity to the soil if it is too alkaline. 

Overall, olive trees can live for many years in pots if they are provided with the proper care and conditions. However, it is important to be aware that olive trees can grow quite large and may eventually outgrow their pots. If you are growing an olive tree in a pot, you may need to repot the tree into a larger container as it matures to ensure that it has enough room to thrive.

Which country in the world has the most olive trees?

Spain is the country with the most olive trees in the world, with approximately 246 million trees. Italy is second, with about 140 million trees, and Greece is third, with about 78 million trees. 

However, it’s worth noting that these numbers can change significantly over time, as olive trees can be planted or removed depending on different factors.

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